Channel: Hailey Lain
Category: Music
Tags: coverdevilman no utadevil manno utasquiggsdevilmanmusicsquigglydiggsingingcrybabysquigglythe musical ghost
Description: INSTRUMENTAL: Hey, guys! Here with another cover for you -- sorry it's been a minute! This song has been stuck in my head ever since Devilman Crybaby came out... and I still haven't finished watching it! But I knew I had to do a cover of it at some point. :D And I managed to hit a note I didn't even know I had in me! It's somewhere around the 2:10 timestamp... SUPERMASSIVE thanks to The Musical Ghost for the instrumental to this track, and to Victor McKnight for his amazing mixing work! Check out their channels here: The Musical Ghost: Victor McKnight: English Lyrics by Platina Jazz! (Thank you guys so much for letting me use your lyrics. :D) Check out that snazzy cover here: ✪ Want to see more of my art and animation? Check out my website: